Up to twelve sculptures, inspired by the fauna and flora of Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve which is designated as one of England?s most important nature reserves, will be created by Anna Turnbull, local artist and willow sculptor.
The project is part of Peregrini's Creative Arts initiative and there’s the opportunity to get involved in assisting Anna weave the willow sculptures at six workshops between now and June.
Larger-than-life, the willow sculptures will be positioned on the Lindisfarne Nature Trail that loops to the north of Holy Island village. Natural England, who manage the Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve also look after this trail that takes in a range of habitats from meadows, wetlands, rugged coast and dunes. The leaflet will be refreshed this year making it the perfect time to introduce a new and interesting way of looking at this fabulous natural environment.
Subjects for the willow sculptures include Lapwing, Arctic Tern, Brent Geese, Cormorant, Swift, the Short Eared Owl and the Fritillary Butterfly. Locations for the sculptures include Window on the Wild, the Lough Hide, the Old Waggon Way, the Links dunes and the Straight Lonnen.
Much of the willow used for the sculptures will be grown and supplied by the Northumbria Basketry Group from their willow plot at Whitton, near Rothbury. If you’re more interested in having a go at more traditional basket weaving, The Northumbria Basketry Group will be running taster sessions at the willow weaving workshops.
The first workshop will be held between 1pm and 5pm on the 21st January at the Holy Island Village Hall. No problem if you’ve not done this before - tuition, guidance and all materials will be provided and the workshops are free.
Go to events page for booking information.